BREAKING: Motivated by Senator Reverend Warnock’s Affordable Insulin Now Act, Major U.S. Insurer UnitedHealthcare Announces They Will Eliminate Out-of-Pocket Costs for Insulin, Other Prescription Drugs

Senator Reverend Warnock: “[I]t’s time for other insurers to follow suit, and most of all, it’s time for Congress take urgent action to pass my legislation[the Affordable Insulin Now Act] and address this crisis”

Today, inspired by Senator Reverend Warnock’s work in Washington to cap insulin costs, major insurance company UnitedHealthcare announced it would eliminate out-of-pocket costs on insulin and other prescription drugs for all insured patients starting in 2023

From Reuters: “UnitedHealth CEO says no copay for insulin, other critical drugs from 2023” – MORE HERE

In June, Sens. Shaheen (D-NH) and Collins (R-ME) announced a bipartisan legislative proposal that would address high insulin list prices and lower out-of-pocket costs for insulin which includes Senator Warnock’s bill to cap insulin costs at $35 per month

ICYMI: “Drug manufacturer, Sanofi, has announced that it is capping the cost of insulin at $35 per month for all uninsured U.S. patients in support of Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock’s Affordable Insulin Now Act” – MORE HERE

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) released the following statement in response to an announcement from Andrew Witty, CEO of UnitedHealth Inc., that the major insurance company will stop charging copays and will eliminate out-of-pocket costs for insulin and several other prescription drugs for fully-insured members. The announcement follows Senator Warnock’s months-long push to pass his Affordable Insulin Now Act, which would cap the cost of insulin to $35 a month for many patients.

“I’ve been shouting for months that Washington needs to act urgently to lower costs for insulin and other prescription drugs, and hold wealthy corporations accountable for pulling in record profits on the backs of Georgians who have been paying record prices,” said Senator Reverend Warnock.“I’m thrilled our efforts are picking up speed and that companies like UnitedHealthcare are taking steps that will help ensure Georgians and Americans who need insulin can afford it. Now, it’s time for other insurers to follow suit, and most of all, it’s time for Congress take urgent action to pass my legislation and address this crisis.”

Following Senator Warnock’s advocacy, UnitedHealthcare’s announcement represents growing momentum for action in Washington to address high insulin costs and list prices. In June, insulin manufacturer Sanofi announced that it would cap the cost of its product at $35 a month, in line with Senator Warnock’s legislation. Senator Warnock’s bill has been folded into a bipartisan insulin package that Senate leaders have said they will prioritize for consideration in the coming weeks. 

