Senator Warnock Highlights Importance of Georgia’s Freight Infrastructure, Investing in Diversified Transportation Networks Across the Country

Senator Warnock raised questions regarding importance of investing in Georgia’s freight infrastructure during recent Commerce subcommittee hearing 
Senator Warnock: “Part of the reason Georgia is so successful at attracting manufacturing and logistics businesses is that we have a diversified transportation network.”
Georgia’s diversified freight transportation network includes one of the nation’s top ports, one of the busiest airports in the world, and extensive rail and highway networks 
Senator Warnock: “We have to see it in an integrated manner that does not place arbitrary caps on intermodal infrastructure. It is really an integrated approach. I look forward to working with you to make sure that is the kind of vision we put forward for the state of Georgia and our country at large.”


Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday during a Surface Transportation Subcommittee Hearing on Freight Mobility, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) underscored the importance of maintaining healthy freight transportation and logistics infrastructure to Georgia’s economy, and pushed for additional federal investments to improve freight mobility, address climate change, increase safety, and spur economic development across the state and country while questioning the following witnesses: Mr. Chuck Baker, President of the American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association, Mr. Lamont Byrd, Director of Safety and Health Department, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Mr. Chris Connor, President & CEO of the American Association of Port Authorities and Mr. Chris Spear, President & CEO of American Trucking Associations 

During his questioning, Senator Warnock highlighted the importance of investing in multimodal freight infrastructure in Georgia, a state that already excels economically through its diversified transportation network.

“Georgia is known for its freight transportation and logistics prowess due to an extensive infrastructure network. We have one of the busiest airports in the world but we also are the third top container port with the most extensive rail terminal facility in the country. We have nearly 4,700 freight rail miles operated by nearly 30 railroads. We also have six interstates that cover 1,200 highway miles. This allows our state to serve as a freight hub for the entire Southeast,” said Senator Warnock, before asking Mr. Baker and Mr. Conner to speak to the importance of investing in multimodal freight infrastructure.

Later in the hearing, Senator Warnock continued: “It would suggest that we can’t simply rely on one mode over another. Part of the reason Georgia is so successful at attracting manufacturing and logistics businesses is that we have a diversified transportation network… We have to see it in an integrated manner that does not place arbitrary caps on intermodal infrastructure. It is really an integrated approach. I look forward to working with you to make sure that is the kind of vision we put forward for the state of Georgia and our country at large.”

See full video of Senator Warnock’s questioning HERE.

