Senate Page Program

Unites States Senate Page Program:

Thank you for your interest in the Senate Page Program. It is Senator Warnock’s privilege to sponsor qualified students from Georgia to participate in this program.

The United States Senate Page Program is a unique opportunity for high school students from across the country to gain exposure to the daily operations of the legislative branch while living, working, and attending classes on Capitol Hill.

Senate page duties primarily consist of delivering correspondence and legislative materials, taking messages for Senators, preparing the chamber for Senate sessions, and delivering bills and amendments.

There are four page sessions. The academic year consists of two semesters that run from September through January, and January through June. The summer program consists of two sessions that are three or four weeks in duration depending on the legislative calendar. Pages will receive a salary.

For more information about the Senate Page Program and Page School, please visit:


  • Pages must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States, or subject to agreements of the Department of State, and must have a social security number. For sponsorship from Senator Warnock, applicants must be Georgia residents.
  • Pages must be juniors in high school who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before their appointment date. For summer sessions, pages must have completed their sophomore year.
  • Pages must verify a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0./B and a certification of immunization to qualify for school attendance.
  • Pages must provide a general health assessment completed by a licensed physician.

Pages are required to be covered by health insurance; if not covered, they will be required to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

How to Apply:

To be considered for sponsorship, applicants must complete the application form. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted for an interview. Interviews will be completed on a rolling basis. For more information on the page program or the application process, please email or call our Washington, D.C. office at 202-224-3643 and ask for the Senate Page Program coordinator.


Session Dates

Application Deadline


Late January – Early June

September 1


Session 1: June (3 or 4 weeks)

Session 2: July (3 or 4 weeks)

February 1


Early September – Late January

May 1


Page Patronage:

A page must be sponsored by a Senator. There are 30 page positions, so not all Senators can appoint a page. Due to the limited number of positions and the volume of interested students, please note that an application and interview does not guarantee participation in the program and not all students who seek a page position will be selected.