Senator Reverend Warnock Receives A+ on Pro-Democracy Legislative Scorecard 

Senator Reverend Warnock received an A+ on End Citizens United/Let America Vote Action Fund’s legislative scorecard

The high marks reflect Senator Reverend Warnock’s commitment to ending the dominance of big money in politics, safeguarding our elections, and protecting the freedom to vote

Last year, Senator Reverend Warnock reintroduced the Freedom to Vote Act, which would help end partisan gerrymandering and the undue influence of secret money in elections 

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Reverend Warnock received an A+ rating on the annual legislative scorecard from the End Citizens United/Let America Vote Action Fund. The high marks follow the Senator’s pro-democracy legislative efforts last year, including reintroducing the Freedom to Vote Actand introducing the Preventing Election Subversion Act

“It’s been a while since my time in the classroom, but I’m thrilled to still be getting straight A+’s for my work to serve all Georgians and protect our democracy,” said Senator Reverend Warnock. “Our democracy is the framework in which all other issues and opportunities are made possible, which is why I will continue working to strengthen voting rights and voting access, and invest in guardrails safeguarding our democratic process.”

U.S. Senators were graded on whether they have chosen to reject corporate PAC donations, as well as through tracked votes and/or co-sponsorships on a variety of legislation including: 

  • Freedom to Vote Act (S.1)
  • DISCLOSE Act (S.512)
  • Democracy for All Amendment (S.J.Res.45)
  • Washington, D.C. Admissions Act (S.51)
  • Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act (S.359)

The updated Freedom to Vote Act reflects feedback from state and local election officials to ensure the people responsible for implementing reforms can do so effectively. In 2023, state legislators introduced over 320 bills in 45 states that restrict voting rights. In 11 states, those bills became law—higher than any year in the last decade except 2021. The bill also elevates the voices of American voters by ending partisan gerrymandering. And it will help eliminate the undue influence of secret money in our elections. 

The Preventing Election Subversion Act would institute new safeguards to insulate state election administration from partisan pressure and empower non-partisan local election officials. Since Georgia’s S.B. 202, was enacted, according to from ProPublica, “about 89,000 of 100,000” challenges to voter registrations across the state of Georgia “were submitted by just six right-wing activists,” highlighting the urgent need for action as these challenges burden already-overworked election officials and undermine confidence in elections.

