Working to Expand $35 Insulin Cost-Cap for All Georgians, Senator Reverend Warnock Speaks with Atlanta’s Mercy Care Medical Leadership About Dire Need for Affordable Insulin Legislation

This week, Senator Reverend Warnock joined health care professionals and staff at Mercy Care Clinic for a tour and roundtable discussion on the need for federal action to continue improving healthcare affordability and access 

The visit followed the Senator’s introduction of the bipartisan Affordable Insulin Now Act of 2023, which would cap the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month for insured and uninsured insulin users

The Senator’s universal insulin cost-cap legislation builds on his successful efforts to secure a $35 insulin cost cap for Medicare recipients in the Inflation Reduction Act

Last month, Senator Reverend Warnock visited Southside Medical Center to highlight his success in securing an insulin cost-cap for Medicare recipients in the Inflation Reduction Act

Senator Reverend Warnock: “It is clear Congress has a moral urgency to act to cap the cost of insulin for diabetic Americans” 

Atlanta, GA — This week, U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) joined healthcare professionals at Atlanta’s Mercy Care Clinic for a tour and roundtable discussion about the need for federal action to continue improving healthcare affordability and access–particularly in addressing the high costs of insulin for diabetic Georgians and Americans. During the visit, the Senator highlighted his newly-bipartisan Affordable Insulin Now Act, which would cap the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month for insured and uninsured insulin users.

“Hearing the stories of countless healthcare professionals and everyday Georgians struggling to manage their diabetes, it is clear Congress has a moral urgency to act to make insulin more affordable for diabetic Americans,” said Senator Reverend Warnock. “In the last Congress, we made great gains to lower health care costs for Georgians through the Inflation Reduction Act that included my legislation to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors on Medicare. But our work is not done, because in one of the richest nations on the planet, folks shouldn’t be forced to choose between putting food on their table or buying the medication they need to live.”

In addition to affordable healthcare advocates and Mercy Care staff, Senator Warnock was joined at a roundtable discussion by Mary Ellen Garrett, Vice-Chair of St. Joseph’s Health System Board, Kirkland McGhee, Chair of the Mercy Care Board, Jeffrey Ott, Mercy Care Board Member, Kathryn Lawler, CEO of Mercy Care, and Steve Siler, President of the Mercy Care Foundation.

Senator Warnock’s visit to Mercy Care follows the January 1st implementation of his insulin cost cap for Medicare recipients, which he secured last year through the Inflation Reduction Act. And in March, Senator Warnock and Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) introduced the bipartisan Affordable Insulin Now Act , which would cap the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month for insured and uninsured insulin users. Co-sponsors of the legislation include Senators Katie Britt (R-AL) and John Fetterman (D-PA), and endorsing organizations include the American Diabetes Association, Protect Our Care, and Public Citizen.

